The Climate & Culture Mess

Part I: It's SO Much Worse Than You Think

In this episode of the Teacher Shortage Crisis Podcast, Trina, Amanda, and Jess delve into the issues of school climate and culture. The conversation centers on how chaotic, unsafe environments contribute to the teacher shortage, particularly in urban and marginalized communities. They critique programs like PBIS and various character education curriculums, arguing that these often fail to address the root causes of behavioral issues and lack student and teacher buy-in. Jess shares her experiences from different schools, noting significant changes in student behavior post-pandemic. The episode also touches on the systemic problems in education, including inadequate responses to sexual violence and the broader implications for teacher recruitment and retention. The hosts emphasize the need to empower students and teachers to create sustainable changes in school environments.

Part II: Teaching in Turbulent Times

The Realities of Teaching: Reflections on SNL's 'Y'all Won'

In this episode of The Teacher Shortage Crisis podcast, Amanda, Trina English and Jessica Martin, react to the recent 'Saturday Night Live' sketch 'Y'all Won.' The conversation delves into the current state of K-12 public education, exploring the challenges teachers face, including behavior management, systemic issues within school districts, and the impact of COVID-19 on student behavior. They also highlight the need for structural changes, increased collaboration, and teacher leadership to address these pressing issues. The episode calls for solidarity among educators and the sharing of personal stories to push for change in the education system.

More Episodes Coming Soon!